For a full version of my CV, click CV Jan 23.
Katherine E. Baird
Professor of Economics
Division of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
University of Washington Tacoma
Tacoma, Washington 98402-3100
Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, 2000 (Economics)
- Dissertation: Intergroup Inequality: Social Identity and Economic Outcomes
- Advisor: Samuel Bowles
M.Sc. Michigan State University, 1989 (Agricultural Economics)
B.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1982 (Economics with honors)
2017-present Professor of Economics, University of Washington Tacoma
2006-2017 Associate Professor, University of Washington Tacoma
Fall 2015 Visiting Scholar, University of Bergen, Norway. Department of Economics
2007-2008 Fulbright Senior Lecturer, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain
2000-2006 Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma
1999-2000 Visiting Lecturer in Economics, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut
2010-2013 Columnist, The News Tribune, Tacoma
2016 Commissioner, Pierce County Charter Review Commission (elected County position)
William McGuire, Ben Gonzalez O’Brien, Katherine Baird, Benjamin Corbett, and Loren Collingwood (2020). “Evaluating the Impact of Drop Boxes on Voter Turnout,” Social Science Quarterly.
Katherine Baird (2018). “Including Private Health Care Costs in Measuring Nations’ Redistributive Effort,” Journal of Income Distribution, 26(2).
Loren Collingwood, William McGuire, Benjamin Gonzalez O’Brien, Katherine Baird, and Sarah Hampson (2018). “Do Drop Boxes Increase Voter Turnout? Evidence from King County Washington”, Election Law Research, 17(1).
Katherine Baird (2016). “Recent Trends in the Probability of High Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses,” Open Medicine. Vol 4:1-8.
Katherine Baird (2016). “High Out-of-Pocket Medical Spending Among the Poor and Elderly in Nine Developed Countries,” Health Services Research.
Katherine Baird (2016). “The Incidence of Large Medical Expenses by Health Status in Seven Developed Countries,” Health Policy, Vol 120(1), pp. 26–34.
Katherine Baird (2016). “Differences in the Financial Burden of Medical Expenses in the US and Canada,” Open Medicine, Vol 3, published online January 29, 2016.
Katherine Baird (2016) “How Many Hands on Deck and How Did They Get There? Comparing Income Protection Policies Over the Great Recession,” In A. López Peláez & S. Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo (eds.). The Ailing Welfare State . Pamplona, Spain: Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi.
Katherine Baird (2016). “The Safety Net’s Cast in the US: Is it drifting or contracting?” In A. López Peláez & S. Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo (eds.). The Ailing Welfare State . Pamplona, Spain: Thomson Reuters/Aranzadi.
Katherine Baird y Rodolfo Elias (2014). “Factores asociados al logro académico en Paraguay: un análisis multinivel,” Revista Paraguaya de Educación, 4: 15-35. [in Spanish]
Katherine Baird (2011). “Class in the Classroom: The Relationship Between School Resources and Math Performance Among Low Socioeconomic Status Students in 19 Rich Countries”, Education Economics., May: 1-26.
Growing Mangos in the Desert (2022, Loyola University, Apprentice House Press)
Trapped in Mediocrity (2013, Rowman & Littlefield)